Sunday, November 14, 2010

taking it day by day

This was one of the best weekends I've had in a long time, I slept 2 nights in a row for 4 1/2 straight, it was a miracle... I  haven't really had much sleep since July when I had this Catheter put in and started Dialysis early August that was a win and I take each little victory that i can get each day.

Just think in 2 months, i will not have this catheter in me causing pain and  maybe i will sleep, i can't wait to catch up on sleep - who would have thought sleep deprivation causes so many problems.

I got alot accomplished, Dad and my step mom Kathy's flights booked, Hotel rooms booked for family and donor, cable vision appointment made. With Dad being up here for 2 1/2 weeks helping take care of me, my closed captioning isn't working on my TV (only 1 1/2 year old) so Sharp said it was CableVision that needs to come out and fix due to the way they hooked it up.  Dad is very hard of hearing and I have supersonic hearing and dont like loud noises when I am sick or trying to it must be fixed.

I am also hoping to get all the kitchen and bathroom repairs done this week, so that it will all be done by the time I have surgery. So lots going on.

Work is crazy as usual, but they are being very gracious and we are interviewing for a temp to help fill in for me for a few months while I am on leave. Hopefully we will find someone soon.

I am happy to be off of work next week to visit with my friend Gretchen and try to relax and enjoy the holiday and look forward to all the new adventures 2011 will bring once I am well.

Happy Sunday,


Friday, November 12, 2010


We've got the greatest news ever, several friends  of mine had their blood work done at Columbia.

Two of them were potential matches, they told us they would look at both options and choose - they spoke to both and now have the surgery on Wednesday, January 5th at 8am.

We check in the Hospital at 6am.

My Dad, Kammie and my step mom will be up here for the week of surgery and then Dad will Stay and fly home on the 21st. Then my first cousin Justin will come up here for the next week then Gretchen will come up the week after that. I am working out the schedule for the weeks to follow after that until I am able to drive since i have to go back n forth to Columbia for check ups for the first few months.

My donor, will need to be off work for up to a month and take it easy for that time so the healing will do well.

I will be in the hospital up to 5 days or so and hopefully my donor will only be in the hospital for 2 days.

I am scared and excited at the same time.

In the process of finalizing hotel reservations, airline reservations, and logistics since i will not be driving and having to get family and caretakers to and from airports to my condo etc... but it will all work out.

I am very thankful and now just focusing on staying healthy, raising money to help cover costs and looking forward to the beginning of the rest of my life - I will be off dialysis and healthy(for me) thank god after this surgery.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Catching up

Lots of things have been going on -

Filed a formal complaint with Continental Airlines - They wouldn't allow me to board the plane in New Orleans with the Machine - so I had to sit at the gate on the cell phone and have corporate continental get a disability representative to the gate to force the desk agent - Susan Frasier (i will never forget how rude she was in the New Orleans Airport) to allow me to board the plane- even if I pre-registered this machine.

Other than that things have been pretty calm-

My blood pressure is outta control, but they feel that is due to the weight gain - 13lbs so far from each night dialysis is straigh calories and sugar water going straight into my belly- i get more preggers looking by the day- so i am trying to cut down on some calories but the doctor said it wont help that much since they are filling me with the calories while i sleep.

As for sleep, thanks to the Vallum- I actually am getting 5 hours a night of sleep. The sleep deprivation is getting a little better so that is taking the edge off, but the pain is still there all night long until this Catheter comes out.

I am just taking it day by day.